Monday, January 16, 2006


Folks, I'm now convinced that the year is actually 1984. With political correctness at full tilt, the state controlling more of our lives each day, and the likely upcoming federal election outcome, Orwellian theory has slowly risen. This second-rate high-tax socalist state has been double-plus-bad ... er... , I mean, it really sucks.

The realization of Canadian society is that they now face reality. This state-owned dream of Canada - that Liberal vision, is a sham. Canadians aren't Liberals -- they're libertarians, and there's a big difference.

With a week to go in this long election campaign, Stephen Harper has shown himself to the electorate, to a wise, young middle-class regular non-scary guy that people can identify with (I could have told you that years ago). Especially in Quebec, where the Conservatives are polling at 32%, only 11 points behind the Bloc which was ignited by his speech in Quebec a couple weeks ago, the young whippersnapper has single-handedly shattered the separatist dream. There's a bit of Harpermania going on there. Certainly not to Trudeaumania levels, but they like him a lot.

A month ago, we were saying if Martin's Liberals won this election, our hope for Canada was lost, and Alberta's dream was alive. Well, that's been dashed for now. Despite Liberal claims, a strong federal government does not work in this confederation -- but regional respect does. Canada does not need a big strong federal government to keep the country together. Canadians can do that on their own, and we tired of that state-owned pride. We want it back. Quebec federalists want it back--and were ashamed when the Liberals were caught trying to buy it from them.

Now back to 1984, where Prime Minister John Turner, who'd taken over from Trudeau, was up against a well spoken Brian Mulroney. Canadians were tired of leftist-liberalism and a weak economy as a result, and saw an American economy bounce back with Reagan, lower taxes, and hope.

So like good music, in Canada, we tend to mimick our American friends, but are about 4 years behind. In 1984, we were 4 years behind electing a conservative. In 1988, we stuck to it. In 1993, we were a year behind the U.S. electing a liberal. Now we're just over 5 years behind a conservative again. In Ontario, voters tend to balance themselves out. During Conservative Mike Harris' Common Sense Revolution of the 90's, Chretien Liberals were in Ottawa. Now, Dalton McGuinty's Liberals are running that province, and voters are going to balance that out with a Harper Conservative federal government. Turner was a stutterererer -- so is Martin. Nice men, but indecisive. It's too easy!

And as I've said in a previous blog regarding music, shmoltzy rock ballads are back (listen to Nickelback), just like all that crap that began in 1984. The rebelliousness of music was gone -- everyone was happy. It was time to love again. Miami Vice was king. Oh wait! Guess what movie is coming out soon?

I should have seen a Harper government a long while back. But I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it'll be a majority -- not to the extent of Mulroney's 211 seats, but it'll be there, and that result will be double-plus-good ... er ... I mean, really awesome!

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