Monday, November 08, 2004

Mainstream Media

Being a news junkie, I try to get my news from various sources - the TV, the newspapers, radio, and the web. What I find amazing is with all the news and commentary we get bombarded with regarding partisan issues, TV is blatantly biased. I currently do not have a TV, but whenever I do watch programs on the CBC, CNN, or CBS, I can't help but get a bit frustrated when partisan biasness is obvious.

Take Global News. They will not let Alberta Alliance Leader Randy Thorstensteinsonsonestien (let's call him Randy for fun - looks like him too) to participate in the provincial part leader TV debate tonight because the Alberta Alliance did not elect anyone from the last election, although Gary Masyk crossed the floor to sit as the only MLA from the new party.

Hypocrites! It was only a couple elections ago, I believe in 1997 when Randy, who was then leader of the Social Credit Party was allowed to particpate, and he did a great job at debating, even though the Socreds haven't elected anyone since way way back.

Ralph is likely using some tactic via his new communications degree to stave off the wave from the right. If the AA (read Alberta Alliance) can use this for a sympathy vote in grassroots Alberta, Ralph's supposed tactic may bite him with vote splitting.

In the U.S., watching CNN made me puke. The exit polls used to declare winners were useless, inaccurate, and really undemocractic. These fabricated push polls are used to sway the voter at the last minute. Polls schmolls. The only poll that matters is the one that actually makes a difference.

Don't believe the hypocrites, and don't believe the polls. Nevermind the U2 Zooropa Tour, don't believe your TV. Believe in what you believe in, not what the media wants you to believe.

"Get up, stand up. Stand up for your right."

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