Monday, November 08, 2004


Republished from an email by the Shlebbmeisteramadingdong - likely the best critique of an album since Soojie Santarina's take on John Oates.


Duran Duran - "Astronaut" track by track:

Reach up for the sunshine: First single that I did not like when it came out, but now has grown on me,

Want you more: A sugary dance song that reminds me a little of "girls on film", I found it catch and cool.

What happens tomorrow: A junky overproduced track that sounds like it may be the theme song for a movie, albeit a Disney one.

Astronaut: possibly the worst song they have ever written. Yes even worse than those other songs Ruben.

Bedroom Toys: funky, "Notorious-like" track that shows promise but it has the worst lyrics and vocals I have heard in a long time.

Nice: Awesome track, sounds like a B-side from the Rio sessions. Think "Hold Back the Rain".

Taste the Summer: With it's "Doo-doo doo do do do" refrain and the lyrics "Can you taste the summer" it sounds like it was written for a Pepsi commercial but didn't make the cut so now it will be used for Diet Fresca.

Finest Hour:
Boring ballad wannabee.

Chains: I got duped by the verses thinking this song was going to be good, then when the chorus hit I hid my head in shame and guilt.

One of those days: This track isn't bad actually on first listen.

Point of no return: Cool drum beat, but why do they need the 10 vocal harmonizing of Simon's voice on every track, this being the worst.

Still breathing: Ah, the last track, like a cool glass of water after a lunch of Jagermeister and Spam sandwiches. Well it is no Chauffeur, no Seventh Stranger that is for sure. Boooooorrrrrrrrriiiiiiinnnnnnggggg!

So with the exception of 2 or 3 tracks, this album is really bad. Don't think this is the end of them- their concerts are selling pretty well, and the record deal they signed is for 3 more albums. Yes 3 more.

Where oh where is John Taylor's bass lines??? They were like the coolest thing in Duran Duran. Honestly you listen back to the three albums they did as a 5 piece, (Duran Duran, Rio, and Seven and the Ragged Tiger) and JT's bass playing was soo awesome. Why is it so underused now?? This album is like a Nick Rhodes solo album where he used a digitally altered recording of Simon Lebon's voice from the pre-Live Aid days. So disappointing.

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