Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Snak's Intermittent Movie Review - "Following"

You like da black n white? Good. 'Cause it's better. Colour is so distracting isn't it? And how many characters do you need anyway? Well, only a few for this movie, and it works - to a point.

Think of this concept. You're a 20 something broke and bored writer living in a small flat in London. You need ideas for your writing, so you decide to start following people randomly examining their day-to-day proceedings. Then one day, one person you follow catches you and calls you on it. You deny. But your pathetic, so you fess up and tell the whole truth to this stranger. Then he tells you what he's been up to.

Oh yes, it's an intriguing movie. Have you seen "Momento"? Same good shit on a different pile. It's got one plot line, but once again, you're given bits of the future, the past, all rolled up into one and they're spit upon you cleverly. But that's the thing with only having a few characters in a weaving time plot, you can't make it too complicated. People are only so smart you know!

So the key to figuring out where ... um .. er ... I mean WHEN you are is to notice the lead character's hair. That's right, I said hair dammit!

Are there plot twists? It wouldn't be good if there weren't any right? So yeah, there's plot twists alright, but you can't help but feel for the pathetic 20-something writer. One of the plot twists I figured out, but not the others.

However, that said, those other plot twists weren't presented as shockingly as plot twists usually are. I didn't go, "Holy crap, he sees dead people!" I was more like, "Well, isn't that cleverly typical, no?" So because of that, it drops a whole point.

Would I recommend this little greyscale British mind fuck? Of course! Would I watch it again? Nah. Would I watch Momento again? Of course!

Snakaramadingdong gives "Following" a 3.72 fits outta 5. Hey, did you know this film got a bunch of awards and shit? Well it didn't. Just a bunch of nominations.

1 comment:

metasexual said...

Sounds pretty interesting. I also want to see that new foreign film about Hitler, but that's a whole other discussion...