Here's an article on how the recent federal budget only puts Canada further behind the U.S. in terms of standard of living.
I would also like to make a correction to my previous article on the recent federal budget in regards to tax cuts. It's not $250/per that we're getting back, it's ... check this out ... I know you're excited .. a whopping .. yes, here it comes, .... a ... whole $12. That's right, I'll spell it out -- twelve dollars per year. I know Boobie will be able to buy that one extra CD he complains he never has enough money for. I can buy a mickey of CC.
What a fucking joke this Liberal gov't is! They think that as more and more money is put into social programs that they're helpling the people they tax right out of the middle class! Well they're not. People who earn $10,000 pay taxes, then are supposed to get it back anyway in social programs. Talk about waste. Talk about slowing productivity and preventing money from really flowing in the economy. Talk about preventing people from earning their potential, from paying down their debts. Canadians are in debt more than ever before and this stresses them out, which is at a high, which is not good for one's health. See the cycle? Income and payroll taxes are the cause of all of life's problems. And the one's creating it are the federal Liberals.
I'm so sick of these greedy bastards with their "surpluses". They're not surpluses - they're simply taxing us too much. Rest assured, I hope in the fall, that this minority gov't gets defeated and we're back at the polls to put in place a real budget that seriously eliminates and cuts taxes, say by thousands in a year, not just a meezly $12.
You too Klein! Get your fucking act together.
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