Monday, December 12, 2005

Liberals, Fiberals...

Believe it or not, this election seems to be coming down to an ideological war.

On one hand you have the Martin Liberals, with their "parents will spend the money on beer and popcorn" paternalistic statist view of child care, compared with Harper's Conservatives -- libertarian views that people can make their own choices about how to raise their kids.

Simply put, Liberals would rather that they control and provide for your whole life, from cradle to grave, using your own money.

Methinks the Liberals think government knows how to spend your money better than you can. And when that dirty envelope money gets passed to a Liberal-friendly adfirm under a table at a restaurant which is then passed on to the Liberal party itself, I guess they must be right.

Do they think Canadians are that stupid?

Well, if Ontario votes Liberal again, there's your answer.

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